We're in this together.


Life Groups

We believe that life is better together and that we were created to live in community. Our dream isn't simply to have times where we gather together, but rather we want to live life as a family where we eat together, share life experiences, and pray for one another. We're not perfect, and like all families we're a little messy, but we believe it's worth it. We'd love for you to find a group near you and join us on the journey. 

North Life Group: Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month Springfield from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. For more info or to join this group, email us at info@citylightchurch.us

South Life Group: Meets every other Saturday night in houses across Woodbridge. For more info or to join this group, email us at info@citylightchurch.us