Frequently Asked Questions                                   We're so glad you're here!

What time should I arrive at church on Sunday?

We recommend that people show up at least 15-20 minutes before the start of the service. This will give you time to find parking, grab a cup of coffee, find your seat, and get your kids checked in with enough time to make it back to the sanctuary before we begin worship. 

What is the typical service like?

At City Light Church our worship service typically runs about 80-90 minutes long and incorporates contemporary music and other worship elements. You'll also hear a Bible-focused sermon that talks about Jesus and how He impacts our everyday lives. 

What should I wear?

There is no dress code at City Light, and most people dress casually. You'll see some in jeans and a t-shirt and others in slacks with a button-down shirt or a skirt and blouse. Feel free to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. 

Is there something for my children? 

Yes! Little City is our kids' program offered for the duration of the entire service for children ages six weeks to three years. City Kids is our program for children ages four through fifth grade. The children attending City Kids classes join us for worship and are then dismissed to meet their teachers before the sermon begins. Please make sure to arrive a few minutes early to get your children checked in and situated. We encourage our middle school and high school students to join us in the sanctuary for our main worship gathering. All of our volunteers have been screened and completed background checks to ensure the safety of your children. 

Ready to come and check it out?